Other Ways to Donate

Donate Securities

Many donors make gifts in the form of appreciated marketable securities rather than cash. This is one of the most attractive methods of giving because of the substantial tax advantages:

  • With itemized tax forms, the donor receives a charitable income tax deduction.
  • The donor avoids paying tax on the capital gain of selling the securities.
  • If the securities have been owned for more than one year, the donor may claim a tax deduction for the market value of the securities, as opposed to the purchase value of the securities.


Planned Giving

Consider how you might leave a legacy extending beyond this lifetime. A common method of planned giving is to remember KCC in your will or trust. A beneficiary designation is one of the easiest ways to make a gift to KCC, which simply involves completing a form naming KCC as beneficiary on your IRA, annuity, or life insurance policy. Please discuss these options with your financial advisor or lawyer.

KCC’s tax identification number is 93-0799664.

The ‘KCC Leave a Legacy Circle’ is comprised of individuals who have named KCC as a beneficiary, in some form, in their will. We would appreciate your contacting us when it is appropriate for us to add your name to this group!

Giving at Age 72

Ask your financial advisor about Tax Advantage Giving or email accounting@kcc.org.

In-Kind Donations

Perhaps you have tools, building materials, appliances, books or dharma items that are in good condition but that you no longer use or want. KCC may need such items and you may be eligible for a tax deduction if you donate them to KCC. This is known as an “in-kind donation.”

If you are considering an in-kind donation, please contact accounting@kcc.org to discuss KCC’s needs and the articles you wish to donate.

Thank you!

Bequest Language

Specific Bequest
I give (the sum of $______) or the following described property:__________to Kagyu Changchub Chuling (KCC), Portland, Oregon, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Oregon. The bequest shall be used to further the purposes of KCC as the Board of Directors may deem appropriate.

Residuary Bequest

I give all of (or a specific percentage of) the residue and remainder of my estate to Kagyu Changchub Chuling (KCC), Portland, Oregon, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Oregon, to be used to further the purposes of KCC as the Board of Directors may deem appropriate.

Contingent Bequest

In the event that (name of beneficiary or beneficiaries) do not survive me, I give the residue of my estate to Kagyu Changchub Chuling (KCC), Portland, Oregon, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Oregon, to be used for its general purposes.

For more information, please contact Accounting@kcc.org.

Contact accounting@kcc.org to coordinate your gift to support the Dharma.