Spring Bulb Planting – Children’s Program
On the afternoon of October 18th we came together to plant flower bulbs at KCC so this spring we can look forward to more beautiful flowers at the dharma center. With the guidance of Amy Vance and Mary Woods the group planted bulbs in a large planter and around the borders of KCC that included a variety of tulips, crocuses, snowdrops, alliums, hyacinths and grape hyacinths* (these went in the container*). Our crew included: Lisa & Jason Collins and sons Ely and Jakob, Amila Ferron with her kids Eleanor and Lyle Cushing, Sarah Clark and her son Cyrus, Daniel Malmon and his son Caleb and Mary Petrides and her kids, Anita, Nico and Emilio. While we all wore masks and were socially distanced, it was still a wonderful time of fellowship as well as a way to share something wonderful with the sangha. Thanks to all who donated to our project!! May all beings benefit!