Weekly Happenings May 15 to 22
Dear Sangha,
Yes, we’ve read the news! Mask mandates for those who are vaccinated are going away. This means we are getting closer to being able to open the KCC doors. But of course there is still much to consider and prepare.
Peter Wood, Ryan Parsons, Lama Eric, and I are bustling around to figure out the Audio/Video configuration we’ll need to be able to livestream Lama Eric through Zoom and through the in-house microphone system. We want that in place so that we don’t leave anyone without access to our practices.
Willa and her many volunteers have been busy these past few months deep cleaning the Center, organizing the shelves. She has plans for building a new ramp in the back with an inviting entrance and covered deck to be installed this summer. Some much-needed replacement windows are coming soon as well.
Nicole and Phuntsok have been creating a new space in the Dharma Bookshop, and Nicole is working with the Finance Team to create an inventory system.
Lama Eric will finally have some office space. We are moving him into what previously was called the Treasure Room. But for now, the balcony risers are FULL of the flat file cabinets (someone interested in these?), boxes of texts, picture frames, etc.
We also will need many volunteers to take care of our space before, during, and after the sessions. Please stay tuned for a specific list coming to your email soon!
So we still have a lot of work to do before opening up. We thank you for your patience as we figure out all the details. Willa has another work party scheduled for May 29 so please consider helping get things ship shape in preparation for occupancy!
Linda Grove
Executive Director
Kagyu Changchub Chuling
Below are the highlights for this week. Please go to KCC’s website calendar for the list and description of all upcoming events. To find the Zoom link, click on the title of the event within 15 minutes of the start of the event, scroll down and find the “Connect to Zoom” link. If the link doesn’t appear within 15 minutes of the start of the event, we suggest refreshing your browser a few times. For full instructions, please read How to find Zoom links on our home page. Please contact kccmedia@kcc.org for assistance.
- CANCELED – Hamilton Mountain Hike scheduled for tomorrow was canceled due to lack of response. Check KCC’s newsletter and website calendar for future opportunities!
- Equanimity & Inclusion Study Group meets tomorrow, 10:00am-12:00pm. Please contact Zopa at katyohern@gmail.com if you plan to attend or for any questions you may have.
- Children’s Program Sack Lunch Under the Tent, this Sunday, 12:00-4:00pm. Bring a picnic lunch for you and your family, lawn games for kids, something to sit on such as a blanket and lawn chairs or whatever you need to be comfortable; some chairs will be available.
- KCC Board Meeting is this Sunday, 1:30-3:30pm. All sangha members are welcome to attend.
- Death & Dying Study Group, Tuesday, 1:30-2:30pm.
- Newcomers Night, Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm. Lama Eric Triebelhorn leads this session which is intended for individuals who are either unfamiliar with Buddhist practice or are new to KCC. All are welcome and invited to attend.
- Mandala Review and General Support, Saturday, May 22, 1:00-3:00pm. This class will be an opportunity for those participating in the Bokar Mahamudra Seminar to review and ask questions about the Mandala practice of the traditional preliminary practices (ngondro). This class is principally for those engaging in that program. It is not meant to be a general invitation to begin this practice (as there are practices to do to prepare for this one). However, if you have already received instructions in the practice, you are welcome to attend.
- Register now for Early Buddhist Women, Saturday, June 5, 10:00-12:00pm led by Lama Chimey
- Coming June 10-17: Shamatha Retreat – Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos. Register for 3 days. Register for 7 days.